Grandmaster JinBodhi designed the meditation centre to be a like a home for everyone who enters. All are welcome. At the end of the September 2018 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat, participants on their journey to wholeness shared their stories of healing and growth on all levels.

Some students experienced the recurrence of old pain that then released; others experienced the “golden roller coaster” as blockages cleared, all because of the energy gained from the meditation Whether feeling high or low, students were encouraged to practice, practice, practice.

Meditation can change your life. Personal transformation stories touched, supported and healed those who spoke as well as those who heard them. Here are the inspiring stories from a family – Sandy, her sister Emily, and Emily’s daughter Danika.

Sandy: Every time I’m at Bodhi Meditation I’m grateful to my sister Emily who brought me here.

I’m an 8.5-day retreat “junkie”. I’ve done every retreat since I came here two years ago. Every one of them is different.

A couple of years ago my husband and I talked about needing something spiritual in our lives as we didn’t go to church. Of course, when you put it out in the Universe, something happens. All of a sudden Emily starts coming to Bodhi. And then I come. And my husband comes too.

The other day I was asked what my passion was. I realized that over the past twenty years I never had a passion because as a gambler my passion was myself and my next fix. It never included anybody but me. I thought about it and realized I am passionate about my grandchildren. I’m so grateful because I kind of ignored my own children. A lot of things happened that I couldn’t deal with when they were growing up and all I could do was cope with my own little world, which excluded my family.

I have gratitude for Master JinBodhi and everyone at Bodhi. I’m not the person I was before. Now I have my Bodhi Meditation world and that too is my passion.

Emily shared that when her sister Sandy spoke about losing her passion in life prior to coming to Bodhi, it broke her heart. Emily has watched Sandy’s passion and compassion grow and grow since coming to Bodhi, and feels so blessed to have her as a sister. She now sees Sandy as a strong spiritual warrior, and is so proud of her for pursuing her spiritual practice with such passion and determination. 

Danika: I don’t always have enough energy and usually when I do a retreat I’m really good about my practice and I go home and practice every day and then a couple weeks later it’s just once a week, then  I’m spent and exhausted, anxious and sad. And my mom, Emily, reminds to practice daily.

Coming to the retreats saves me. I get to live the experiences with everyone. I get to see everyone when they come in and when they leave.  I see their changes. I see myself in all their struggles and am able to share the happiness they have with their own challenges and triumphs and that gives me the energy to get through the day and my meditations. I thank you them for being their light, bright selves.

I have to thank my mom because when we were doing The Meditation of Greater Illumination the other day, all of a sudden my inner child came out, maybe four or five years old, happy and running around the room, grabbing my mom’s leg. She looked down at me and scooped me up and gave me a kiss.

Bodhi brings me back to a time when I was happy, which was my childhood. Then as the years went by, the stuff of life, trauma, and depression happens. My mom came to Bodhi and is now happy and healthy. She is kind beyond words, loving to everyone she meets.

There was a long time when she was lost as a person and I didn’t have her as my mom. It was a dark time. She’s regained her health and happiness. She’s saved my life over and over again, because when I got to the point where I didn’t want to be on the earth any longer, my mom pulled me back time and time again. Today I’m so grateful to Grandmaster JinBodhi for my mom’s happiness and health, because she’s now the same old mom.  She gives of herself so I can grow up to be happy and healthy.

Emily: Danika was talking about one of my favourite memories. When she was little she would run out of the bedroom in the morning at full speed and jump into my arms. I’d scoop her up and give her a big hug and a kiss and say good-morning. Those were our happiest times.

As years went on, I lost myself to a lot of physical and emotional pain and some very dark years that included an addiction to pain medication. Danika and I lost each other for a few years.

I’m so grateful to find Bodhi and recover and find our peaceful hearts and peaceful minds. During this retreat, I continue to watch Danika grow and find herself again, because she was lost too. I felt like had lost my baby. And she felt like she had lost her mother. We just lost each other.

Life had just gotten really hard. I watch her helping other people, watch her blossom, growing in wisdom and teaching me.  I learn from her as I watch her help others and deal with situations. I continue to grow at every single retreat. I’ve still got a long way to go.

I got a big lesson on seeing through and letting go at this retreat. My daughter Kai invited us to Thanksgiving dinner in Seattle. I read the message and instantly had emotional feelings. I was irritated and wondered why she was having it in the States. I got angry. Later, Kai asked me if was coming to Seattle. I was grumpy with her and said no, and told her I didn’t have enough gas. She said, I’ll give you a ride; come with me and Danika. Why, I asked her, are you having it in the States? She then got upset with me. I went to bed and wondered why I was reacting like this. I realized that back in 2005, a lot happened – my mom died and Danika’s father and I separated and he left, and I got sick.

Before 2005, Thanksgiving was our happiest time together and I always loved Thanksgiving.  But after all that happened that year, I ended up spending Thanksgiving alone as my daughters spent it with their dad and his new girlfriend. I was still having all these emotional reactions around my daughter just inviting me to Thanksgiving.

The light bulb went on.

Ah ha. That’s what going on. I realized I can have Thanksgiving as my favourite time of year again. I would love to go to Seattle with my children and have Thanksgiving.

In the morning, I told my daughter, I’m coming to Thanksgiving with you. Thank you for arranging it and I love you. I could have gone years without processing that, but now that I practice Bodhi meditation and learn the wisdom of seeing through and letting go, I could see why I reacted that way and was able to take back the happy times. We are building our lives back up. I’m processing things faster.

I’m extremely grateful. Master JinBodhi has my back and I have a community to help me raise my family.


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.