At the beginning of this Lunar New Year, the Vancouver Bodhi Meditation Center is hosting a celebratory event, bringing boundless happiness and auspiciousness to everyone. 🌈🌈🌈

The venerable Grandmaster JinBodhi attended this event. Humorously yet profoundly, Grandmaster JinBodhi guided participants through face reading and the Chinese zodiac. Starting the new year with Grandmaster’s best wishes and auspicious blessings brought everyone great happiness. 🔥🌟 🎉

🧨 Offer incense, chant to Buddha, receive blessings, and draw oracles to usher in good luck and well-being in the Year of the Dragon.
🍭 Enjoy delicious snacks, play festive games, and take family photos in the new year to ensure happiness and harmony throughout the year.

Best wishes to everyone for the year of the Dragon! May good fortune shine upon you, bringing great luck, prosperity, and good health. May you gain abundant blessings and wisdom, and may all be auspicious and complete!

Vancouver Bodhi Meditation Centre will continue to bring a series of wonderful meditation courses for everyone in the new year. We welcome you to enthusiastically sign up and participate, for quickly replenishing your energy, enhancing physical and mental health, and initiating a year of good health and fortune!

#GrandmasterJinBodhi #NewYearBlessings #SpringFestival #ZodiacFortunes #AuspiciousEnergy #FamilyJoy