My name is Mitra. My problem started in 2004 about 15 years ago when I was prescribed medication. This medication caused me retina detachment and macular generation. The result is blindness. My specialist decided to do surgery for me. I didn’t have any other choice but surgery. after the surgery I could see a black circle in my eyes. I couldn’t see from those parts, the black circles.

I have attended several meditation retreats. During the most recent class in June, it was the best experience in my life. On day 6 or 7 of the class, I was checking my eyes. I check by looking at a white wall or white blanket. I checked one eye and I didn’t see any black circle on it, and I thought I made a mistake. Then, I checked the other eye, and there was no black circle anymore. The next morning, I checked my eyes again, there was no black circle in my eyes. I couldn’t believe that. I think a miracle has happened. It’s kind of a miracle in my life. I couldn’t believe that. I checked with the physician, and he told me it was ok.

I just want to thank Grandmaster JinBodhi. Now my vision is completely normal, the color is real, everything is real, everything is brighter and lighter. Thank you so much.

*Disclaimer: The effect of meditation and energy healing may vary among individuals.