The way to transformation begins with Bodhi Meditation. During our 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat, many students experience the opening of their heart and their ability to release past hurts and embrace love begins to transform them. Here are two more stories shared by students on the last day of the retreat.

Philip: I was broken, sad, and angry before coming to the retreat. But on the first day I shook Grandmaster JinBodhi’s hand and felt a strong connection.

I don’t usually cry, but on the fifth day during the chanting the tears came. I felt a very strong energy flow throughout my body and couldn’t speak as my jaw was locked. But now I can meditate anywhere anytime. I can even speak up. And I feel at home here at Bodhi Meditation.

I am very happy now and want to live.

Usually when I get home, I eat dinner with the family and then go to my room to be alone and give myself time to think things over and plan for the next day. On Day 4, my ten-year-old daughter asked if she could just come in and sit with me. I was so grateful for that. While shopping, I held my wife’s hand, as I always do. This time my daughter took my other hand and rested her head on my hand like she does with my wife. I was so happy she did that. I was close to tearing up. Thank you Master JinBodhi. Thank you Master JinBodhi.

Gurmeet: A while ago, I picked up a Bodhi Meditation & Health magazine and as I turned to page 1, I decided I must attend a retreat.

However, I forgot about my commitment and months went by until the day I opened a page in my phone where I had put a reminder to myself to register for the retreat.

During the first two days of the retreat I was so tired. I found it difficult to stand or sit cross-legged as I had once fractured my leg. Today, I’m happy to say that I feel 20% better than I did before the retreat began. For me, the chanting was very powerful.

My father had wanted my wife and I to have a child. He wanted a grandchild. We’d been married for five years and during that time we had both concentrated on our studies. For two years we did try to get pregnant, but it was complicated. I felt like I had disappointed my father and let him down. He wanted to see grandchildren. He died in 2016. And even before he died, while sick in the hospital, he still pushed us to have a baby.

During the chanting I visualized my father and asked his forgiveness for not delivering his expectations of me. I then saw a wonderful baby sitting on my shoulder. Even now as I talk about it I can still recall the face. It was the same face my father would have had as a baby.

Finally, I smiled and the baby looked at me and laughed so hard. I understood that my journey is going to be easier from now on.


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.