With the cool autumn breeze, Vancouver Bodhi Meditation’s Energy Bagua class has arrived, bearing witness to the students’ abundant achievements and joy.

In the bright meditation hall, students are earnestly learning Energy Bagua, a practice that rapidly replenishes vitality and life energy.

“I go with the Universe, follow the Way, move with the flow of life.”

Energy Bagua, by Grandmaster JinBodhi

“At this Energy Bagua class, if you have experienced improvements in physical and mental health, please raise your hands! “

As soon as the teacher’s words were uttered, the students eagerly raised their hands, expressing their wonderful stories of benefits over the past eight days!

  • “My back is not stiff anymore!”
  • “I can sleep now.”
  • “My varicose veins disappeared.”
  • “My eyesight issues are gone.”
  • “My chronic knee pain disappeared.”
  • “My hands and feet are warm, and I’m not always feeling cold anymore.”
  • “I feel I’m beautiful and life is beautiful. I have hope now!”


Two years ago, Dina suffered a severe natural gas burn to her hand. It never properly healed, causing inflammation, itching, and pain. After receiving energy healings during the class, she excitedly rushed to the front to show everyone: “Look, it’s healed! There is only a red mark left, it’s truly unbelievable!”

Additionally, she was stung by a large hornet on her wrist. She put on a bracelet blessed by the teacher, and astonishingly, the swelling disappeared without a trace within just 5 minutes!


Nancy had been always cold since she was young, and she had to rely on coffee to stay alert. When practicing Energy Bagua on the first day of class, her hands and feet began to feel warm, and she even started sweating!

Afterward, when she was at work, she realized that she had forgotten to drink her usual coffee, yet she still felt energetic. Her friends and colleagues also noticed a positive change in her; they found her more beautiful, inside and out. She was incredibly happy about this transformation!


Lisa had congenital vision problems from a young age. She later had cataract surgery to correct her vision. However, she encountered strabismus issues, where her eyes wouldn’t synchronize at times, making it difficult for her to engage in conversations.

After attending the Energy Bagua class for just three days, her eyes started to focus properly, and her strabismus issue disappeared. She was overjoyed to see such a significant improvement in her condition!

Yong Shi

Yong Shi was experiencing high work-related stress, which led to sleep problems and low stamina. She used to sleep for only about 5 hours a night, wake up feeling extremely tired, as if she worked through the night. However, from the very first day of the Energy Bagua class, her sleep quality and duration improved significantly. She could sleep 8 to 9 hours and woke up feeling refreshed, relaxed, and clear-minded.

She used to need rest after every 5 minutes of walk. By the end of the class, she could effortlessly walk for an hour during the practice, full of energy and vitality.

Her shoulder and neck used to ache and feel tense, but after receiving the powerful energy healing during class, she experienced a level of relaxation and comfort she had never felt before.

Her complexion has become healthier and more radiant. She is always smiling, and everyone notices how much more beautiful she has become.


Sophia had been experiencing increasing shoulder pain for several months. She had to take pain medication to sleep and woke up multiple times during the night. However, on the first night of attending the Energy Bagua class, she fell asleep immediately, completely forgetting to take her pain medication. To her surprise, she slept through the night and woke up without any shoulder pain.

She also had knee pain for about 2 to 3 years. Normally, she could only walk for about 15 minutes before needing to stop and rest, and she had to wear knee braces. Starting from the fourth day of the class, her knee pain vanished, and she could walk continuously for an hour during Energy Bagua practice without any issues.

Replenish life energy, rapidly boost immunity, and embark on a journey to health and longevity!

Location: Vancouver Bodhi Meditation Centre
7740 Alderbridge Way, Richmond, BC V6X 2A3

Registration: 604-276-2885


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.