Calming the mind

Meditation for kids isn’t a new concept and has been introduced to many classrooms. How about a field trip to a meditation center? Newton Elementary School recently did just that. Their grade 3 students and their grade 5 students each paid us a visit to spent a morning learning about meditation. A few of the grade 5 students had been two years ago when they were in grade 3 and were happy to be back. So how do we teach meditation to children?

After a warm welcome, they learned Grandmaster JinBodhi’s Golden Words. These are affirmations that are best recited every morning. A great way to start the day. We played a game with the kids so they had an opportunity to read one of the affirmations and share how it applied to them. “I am most tolerant. This means that I put up with my brothers and sisters when they fight with me.” “I love to read. I love reading mysteries.” “I am a gem of the Universe because there is only one of me.”


The students also had an opportunity to practice The Meditation of Purity, but before doing so, they learned by this meditation was so important. In order to function well, our brain needs to be able to calm down. All those thoughts and emotions are twirling around like water that has been stirred up. If we let water sit, it becomes still. Same happens for us.


We still had more to teach. They learned how to connect with Nature while walking Energy Bagua. Sometimes it’s easier for kids to walk than sit!


All the volunteers were so impressed with how well-behaved and wise these students were. One teacher shared with us that she will begin each day reciting the Golden Words with her students. It’s so important to build confidence and resilience. We look forward to next year’s meditation for kids field trip.