by Jean McLean

Changes. That’s what  happened to me at a Bodhi Meditation retreat. I first came to the Bodhi Meditation Centre for a Thursday evening class in June or early July of 2017. I then attended a half-day introduction class and the 8.5-day Health & Happiness Retreat in July.  I used a cane when I arrived at the retreat and my energy was very low.  After the first day I didn’t need the cane.  After Day 2 I noticed I wasn’t coughing as much (I have COPD).

On Day 3 I learned that if I required help from Grandmaster JinBodhi, I just had to ask him from my heart, and wait three days for his assistance!

On Day 4 my balance improved. I can now dress without holding onto anything.  My shoulder pain on the right side is totally gone, 85% on the left, and my lower back pain is significantly less.  And I have more energy!

On Day 5 woke up feeling sappy. I asked Master JinBodhi to restore the good feelings I’d had the previous day and asked why I was feeling so crappy.  He told me that I should have lit a candle for my cousin the previous day(we have had a difficult relationship) and not put it off another today.  Voila, instantly my energy lifted.  I couldn’t wait to light that candle!

When we chanted for our fathers, I was able to release the guilt I carried for not complying with my father’s request to be euthanized (he suffered from lung and brain cancer). Also, a big weight was lifted from shoulders when sadness came up around the fact that my brother and I had such an unloving relationship until the last five days of his life.  During that time, we had managed to do a tremendous amount of healing and I was able to be with him when he took his last breath.  He had lung cancer and was afraid he’d choke like my dad had. Then my three-year-old granddaughter flitted by three times with the message that she was leaving planet Earth soon!  That really stirred me up!!  (She had been a high-risk pregnancy due to slow heart development). On day 6, while having a hot shower, I asked Master JinBodhi about her.  He told me she would be around for a long time.  He said he’d give her a blessing!

When Master JinBodhi spoke about migraine headaches I got an instant pain on the left side of my head (I had suffered a concussion in a car accident in early 1980 and still get pain when I’m overtired).  That’s gone too!  I started coughing and realized it was on the left side of my throat that hadn’t worked properly since that car accident thirty-five years ago. I’ve had to be careful when drinking water or eating raw carrots as I choke very easily. That’s now gone!

On Day 7 I couldn’t get a picture of mom during the chanting for mothers. I just saw myself and how nasty I had been towards her for not being there when I had been molested at the age of two or three.  I asked mom for forgiveness, which I received from her.  We had healed our relationship about fifteen years before she died, but I still carried guilt for being so nasty at times.

On Day 8, while showering, Master JinBodhi appeared to tell me that my mission in this life was to practice/learn compassion.  That will complete my presence on planet Earth!

On Day 9, the last day, my right thumb was extremely itchy so I scratched and scratched.  I’d been having extreme pain due to arthritis. The pain is now gone from both thumbs.

There are more changes.  I’m no longer incontinent. I’m off beta blockers (instead, I’m using doctor-approved magnesium taurate). My blood pressure is normal without medication. My shoulder pain is negligible. I can now walk further than I’ve been able to walk for at least ten years.

The drum healing totally relieved my lower back pain, and my tailbone is no longer sore after sitting for long periods.  Best of all, I can get up from the floor without assistance.  My neck pain is totally gone. At night I’d been waking up about every two hours due to neck pain (since the car accident in early 1980).  I was fed up with that, so one night when the pain woke me around 4:30 a.m. I put my hands together and spoke to Master JinBodhi, “Please do something about this pain.” Wham! The pain was gone forever.  And of course, since I’m not on beta blockers, my brain is much clearer, and my balance has improved.  Arthritic pain in my fingers is 85% better.  I’m sure there are other things I’ve forgotten.  My whole body has done some major changing; it’s truly unbelievable.

I have so much gratitude to Master JinBodhi and the Buddha for their compassion and love to us all.


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.