We are always so touched by the stories the student share with us all. One student shared on the last day about how grateful she was to have finally released a flood of tears and grief over a lifelong burden that she experienced as a 14-year-old when her best friend died. Since then, she’s had trouble getting close to others and felt profound guilt and regret at not being able to say good-bye to her friend who died in hospital. During the retreat she was able to begin the healing process as her heart opened. Here are more stories.

Minal found she was able to sit longer during the Meditation of Purity, with the less and less stiffness in her legs as the meditation retreat progressed. She also practiced visualizations during the meditation, imagining her family relationships becoming sweeter and purer. She gained insight from the Bodhi Meditation mantra “I am the Universe and the Universe is me”, and reframed it as “I am my mother, and my mother is me.”

Ram came to the Bodhi Meditation Center two years ago, with a physical disability, not being able to stand up properly, but his posture issue is now completely healed, thanks to participating in several Bodhi Meditation retreats. As a result, he is full of gratitude for the kindness and generosity of everyone at the Bodhi Meditation Center, and for all the healing he has received.

Karen has been on a healing journey for many years, and was looking for a new way forward in her life after having experienced many life challenges. She has had career success, travelled the world, but never felt happy. Since coming to the Centre, she sees that something is now changing for her. She was previously unable to cry or express her feelings, but can now do so. She is finally finding courage to feel and heal, by starting on a healing journey with Bodhi, and is so grateful for what the Bodhi Meditation Centre has given her.

Owen tracked his eyesight over the course of the 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat, by means of an eye chart, and experienced an improvement of one row on the chart, with his vision now close to 20/20.  In addition, he no longer experiences any pain in his legs while sitting in the lotus position during Bodhi meditations.


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.