Healing, forgiveness, gratitude, hope. Yes, these are keywords, but they are also the words that one hears often during a retreat. The participants start the retreat with hope and commitment. During the retreat transformation occurs as the heart opens and perspectives change. Body and mind heal as energy levels rise. Here are some of the students’ stories from the January 2019 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat.

Edwin:  I have been in severe depression for several months. As the retreat went on, I realized my anger and resentment towards others. I would get into arguments and fight with others. We were told to do our homework: tell someone you love them. So I called my son and told him that I love him. I had never done that before. He told me that he loved me. It was the first time he had said that. My friend died a year ago of stomach cancer. She had given me a lot of guidance and help in my life and my biggest regret is that I never told her that I loved her.

Marion:  My brother takes care of my dog Henry. They were sitting there when I got home, feeling so happy together. He said, “Something has changed in you over the past week.” He was right. Then, this morning, I opened the window and there were five eagles circling above. Beautiful.  Meaningful.

L:  I came to Bodhi Meditation because I thought something was missing in my life.  My vision is good, but I have had scar tissue removed because of eye damage from my years on a fishing boat and not protecting my eyes. As a result of the scar tissue, I have a lot of pain in my eyes and they’re very dry. But now I have no eye pain. I’d also had some concussions so I my memory wasn’t good. During The Meditation of Greater Illumination I felt a lot of tingling in my head. It felt as if something was shifting.  I have a lot of repressed emotions from my childhood that came out as I chanted for my mom and dad. My dad, Japanese and a second generation Canadian, was a very angry man and verbally abusive to my mom, who started to drink. I can understand that he was angry as he was interned with his family during WWII. There is a Japanese saying: Carry on, nothing can be done. That was his mantra. I was a happy kid, who would come to the dinner table only to witness a bitter and angry conversation between my parents. I saw the pain on my mother’s face. It was very traumatic. During the chanting, I saw and felt Master’s arms around me, healing me.

Henry:  Last night I checked my blood pressure, expecting a miracle, but it was the same as it had been. I then put Master’s card on my heart and asked him to lower my blood pressure to show me this is real. I took my blood pressure again and it had dropped 20 points. I’m going back to work tomorrow, and am preparing myself mentally for it. I can be authentic here, but not at work. I’m going to take a piece of what I’ve learned here and bring it to work with me.

Dessa: I saw the light. And that’s what I came here for.

Darvesh: I had an operation and have felt so much better since doing this retreat. Pain and stiffness in my shoulder and my back is gone. My friend said she knew I was in the retreat because she saw the changes in my face. One day this week my husband said something nasty to me, but this time I didn’t take it personally and didn’t get angry. I wasn’t invited to a lunch with relatives and I was okay with that. Now I have a lot of peace instead of anger.

Larissa:  I am really happy to be here. It was very different for me this time. I was more open to the energy. Previously, I felt I had no time to volunteer, but now I’m strongly committed to volunteering a few hours a week.


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.