In this fast-paced world, many of us face stressful and overwhelming challenges. More and more people are suffering from health issues such as a poor autoimmune system, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, high blood sugars (diabetes), a cold constitution, depression, migraines, insomnia, back pain, Parkinson’s and other complex problems for which there is no diagnosis. Many have searched for the best doctors and treatment, but are unable to find a quick yet effective solution.

Grandmaster JinBodhi teaches Energy Bagua, an easy-to-learn technique that stems from ancient Eastern wisdom and is suitable for everyone. With just a few simple movements, a practitioner’s overall health condition improves quickly. Tens of thousands of people have freed themselves from pain and illness by practicing Energy Bagua and now live happy and healthy lives.

Energy Bagua Beginner Class - June 2022

The Bodhi Meditation Vancouver Centre finally opened on June 1st for a 7-day Energy Bagua Beginner Retreat after being closed for nearly two and a half years due to COVID-19.

Energy Bagua Beginner Class - June 2022

During the class, students listened attentively to Grandmaster JinBodhi’s teachings. He taught that Energy Bagua replenishes vitality. Many illnesses are caused by a lack of energy. Practicing Energy Bagua can rapidly increase and balance energy, as well as help to absorb more energy if needed, and release energy if there’s an excess.

Energy Bagua Beginner Class - June 2022

With the guidance of Energy Bagua instructors and Grandmaster’s Energy Bagua teaching videos, students learned the basic movements for the hands and feet.

Energy Bagua Beginner Class - June 2022

On the 6th day, Grandmaster chatted with students and answered their questions about Energy Bagua.

Energy Bagua Beginner Class - June 2022

On the final day of the class, students practiced Energy Bagua outdoors in the sunshine, breathing in fresh air and feeling blissful.

Filled with joy and gratitude, students excitedly shared their stories at the graduation ceremony. Here are some of their wonderful stories.

Energy Bagua Beginner Class - June 2022


In September 2021, I had a severe bacterial infection and was hospitalized for over two months for antibiotics injections. I was weak and couldn’t walk. On May 8th this year, at the Bathing the Buddha Festival Event, I was fortunate enough to meet Grandmaster JinBodhi, and it changed my life.

I’d been taking antidepressants for a long time, and often slept till two in the afternoon. When I first came to practice Energy Bagua, I had a hunchback and couldn’t even open my eyes because of a lack of energy. So, I walked with my eyes closed and only opened them when I absolutely had to, and then closed them again. Now, I don’t need the antidepressants and am able to sleep soundly. I also came to class at 10 am every day and that’s a huge improvement considering I used to sleep until 2 pm.

After the 7-day retreat, my movements and posture greatly improved. I was able to understand the essentials of the movements. I could feel the energy connecting inside my body, especially when I did the Qing Long Palm. I could vividly feel the energy shooting out of my palm, making a connection to the tree. My back is straighter and I feel energized. I have more strength and walking one to two hours of Energy Bagua every day does not tire me out. I’m amazed by the improvements it has had on my mental and physical health. I’m so grateful for Grandmaster JinBodhi and Shimu.



I came to Bodhi Meditation three weeks ago. Although only a short period of time, it had a huge impact on my life as I benefited greatly.

In November 2021, I got sciatica pain. It was extremely difficult to walk, and I couldn’t even put on pants, socks or shoes myself. I couldn’t turn while I slept. I felt the only thing that separated me from a dead person was that I could breathe. I tried physio, chiropractic and acupuncture for half a year, but none of them worked. Three weeks ago, my sister told me about Bodhi Meditation, and I decided to try Energy Bagua. When I first did the Bagua Aerobics, I could barely move my arms or lift my legs. In the span of three weeks, I’m very close to recovering from sciatica completely. I have no problem putting on my pants, socks and shoes, and I can even jump. I am so thrilled that I can do these things that I haven’t been able to do for half a year.

I’ve been suffering from diabetes for over 20 years. I didn’t dare eat rice for the past ten years. During the 7-day Energy Bagua retreat, I enjoyed the Centre’s lunch and could eat as much rice as the rest of the students. I habitually measured my blood sugar levels every morning and night. It stayed around 5.9 – 6.0 mmol/L throughout the class. I had only been able to keep my blood sugar level at 7 mmol/L by taking medication.


I’m a university student. I’ve been practicing Energy Bagua for about 25 days. In the past, whenever I was under a lot of pressure because of school, I couldn’t sleep. I was also afraid of the cold. So I would wear a down jacket if I wanted to practice Energy Bagua while other people wore short sleeves, and I wouldn’t even break a sweat.

After one week of Energy Bagua, my hands and feet got warmer. The dark circles under my eyes have faded because I now sleep better. I used to have frequent migraines due to stress, which took a toll on my schoolwork. After practicing Energy Bagua, I’m full of energy. I’m more focused and efficient in my studies, and I can even multitask. I’d always struggled with acne, but now my skin is smooth and glowing. My eyesight improved, and I didn’t have to wear my glasses to see clearly.


I came to Bodhi three years ago due to my immune system. At that time, I had severe allergies, and it was difficult to walk and see. Whenever I took the stairs, I held on to the railing and stared at the ground while moving slowly up or down. Surprisingly, after one week of Energy Bagua, I could walk up and down the stairs without holding on to anything. My life got hectic after having a baby during the pandemic, so I had no time for Energy Bagua. One week before this class, my allergic reactions returned. I had a rash around my eyes that were swollen and itchy. A few days into the Energy Bagua class, the allergic reactions disappeared. I’ve had unbearable back pain for three to four years. I couldn’t even carry my daughter. However, when I took her to the park this weekend, I could hold her when she got tired. I can even walk up and down the stairs while carrying my daughter with no back pain at all! I’m very grateful to Grandmaster JinBodhi.


I was born prematurely and suffered from congenital thalassemia. As a result, I always had intense abdominal swelling, frequent headaches, and cold hands and feet. I constantly felt pressure on my chest such that I could barely breathe and was always tired. I’ve only been practicing Energy Bagua for a month, but already I’ve lost 13 pounds. My water retention is disappearing, I’m no longer dizzy, I don’t feel the pressure on my chest anymore, my hands and feet are warm, and even my lower abdomen is warm. I can even run and bike with my kids and have no problem keeping up with them.

I’m so happy that I can sleep soundly through the night without getting up once or twice. I had severe period cramps and had to stay in bed for two or three days. Now that my cramps are gone, I can volunteer at the Bodhi Meditation Centre.

In 2004, I had laser eye surgery because I was nearsighted with seven diopters. After the surgery, I had to wear sunglasses when I was in the sun. However, wearing sunglasses for more than an hour would trigger a migraine that was so bad I couldn’t move or open my eyes. I would hold my head with both arms, or else my head felt like it would explode. The pain was unbearable and indescribable. However, much to my surprise, after practicing Energy Bagua, I’m no longer afraid of the sun, I don’t have to wear sunglasses anymore, and I haven’t had migraine.

I’m incredibly grateful for Grandmaster JinBodhi because he gave me a second chance in life!


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.