On the final day of our July 2017 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat, students brought their friends and family to celebrate their new energy.  Our favorite sound on this day was “mom”. So many parents brought their children to expose them to the healing energy of the Centre. In fact, the retreat was attended by many family groups such as the grandmother, mother and two sisters from China, father and daughter from Romania, several couples, mother and son, sisters, and friends. People came from around the world including the Netherlands, France, Germany, Brazil, Chicago, Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver Island, Sechelt and communities closer to Vancouver.

Throughout the retreat people shared their experiences. One woman said she felt energy like she had when she was twenty. Someone else said that their asthma and allergies disappeared during the retreat. Someone said they no longer needed to use their puffer for COPD. One mother said that her relationship with her teenage son had been blocked for five years, but when she arrived home one day during the retreat he asked her to go for ice cream. She could feel that love was now available between them. A husband said that his wife always nagged him, but now he sees what she says as wisdom. When one person comes to Bodhi, the energy from meditation practice reaches the family.

An extremely shy young man who just graduated from high school sat at the back of the hall throughout the retreat. He wouldn’t share with anyone. With gentle love and caring support given to him by the TAs, group leaders, and other students he warmed up. On the eighth day he sat at the front of the hall and on the last day he shared some of his pain and struggles. The warm, helpful, kind people gave him the courage and power to open up and share. His courage helped the entire class, and the doors are now open for him.

A young woman never had anything good to remember about her father. During the chanting, she visualized him standing before her. He was small. She told him she loved him. As she did, he grew larger until he could look her in the eye. He smiled. And from there, light traveled to her brother and she realized that energy spreads beyond time like light. In fact, meditation is all about the energy – raising it to a higher vibration. We can change ourselves and our family. When we share our stories, we heal and our heart opens. We receive blessings and energy. Hearing someone say they have no more pain or that they found forgiveness is a blessing for all.

Over the next week, we’ll share more stories of how new ways of thinking and being affected the students.


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.

Other blogs in this series:
Celebrate New – II
Celebrate New – III: Family
Celebrate New – IV: Hope