There was much to celebrate during April’s 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat. Kam shared that this was the place to put your life back together. Gene learned the immense power of a hug. Nina came to the retreat because she no longer had a purpose in life. After practicing The Meditation of Greater Illumination she fell asleep, exhausted. When she woke up, she felt like new person. Here are more stories of discovery, rejuvenation, and the power of love and compassion.

Patricia thanked Bodhi Meditation for the return of her husband, Rod. Fifteen years ago he had been in a car accident and didn’t come home with the same personality. He knew his wife would go to hell and back for him but last year she realized she was tired. Rod came to a retreat in January 2017 and she saw such a huge change in him. When he invited her to come to this retreat to see what it was about, she agreed. She didn’t expect anything. What she received was a heart connection, a return of joy in their life.

Rod said that his wife Patricia was full of light. For fifteen years he had been smothering that light and himself. He struggled, trying to come “home” after the accident. He was at the end of his rope when he came to his first retreat in January. On his first day of that retreat, he had come home and tried to explain to his wife what it was like, but he had no words. Each day he felt more and more in his heart. At this retreat he has watched his wife come back to life.

Ted said that during his first retreat he met Debbie who lay down the entire retreat because of pain. At this retreat, he was amazed to see her standing throughout the meditation. He came to this retreat with hip pain and back problems because of a pinched nerve. “You don’t always get what you think you will at the retreats,” he said.

What he did learn hit him like a ton of bricks. “I thought I had compassion, but during this retreat I learned that I didn’t.”

It was a new beginning.

Debbie attended her first retreat in November 2015.

She had suffered with chronic pain, including daily migraines, for twenty-seven years. She did all the therapies, including chiropractors, massage therapy, etc. But she knew that if she didn’t release the emotional baggage, nothing would change

During the healing sessions at Bodhi, her neck would twist and turn. At the retreat in January 2016, her headaches were gone.

During the healing at this retreat, she cried and laughed, but knew from past retreats that it was okay to do both. She advised others to just let go and get it out.

Clark recently connected with Debbie, an old school friend, and she told him about Bodhi Meditation and how it had helped her heal and find compassion.

He delivered magazines with her one day and wondered if Bodhi might help release some of his issues, such as growing up with an abusive father.

When he first did The Meditation of Greater Illumination (GI), he had trouble at first. When he was seven years old, he was a passenger in a car that was hit by a train and since then has suffered back pain. It was hard for him at first to stand throughout the GI. Chanting to parents was difficult, but he was able to release the pain. He said he felt lighter afterwards and was rid of a lot of stress. As well, the chronic pain in his arm was gone and so was a lump he’d had for years under his arm. He even called his mother and spoke to her for the first in ages. They spoke for over two hours.

Clark, father of three daughters, lost his wife to cancer seven and half years ago. For years he struggled, burying most of the problems which made his back pain worse.

“This retreat changed my life. I now feel whole, and compassionate. I have the tools to repair my body and soul. I want to shout to the world: You have to come here!”


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.

Photos by Bruce CG Gallagher