Happy Dragon Boat Festival! Enjoy the fragrance of auspicious sticky rice dumplings!

During this beautiful time, Grandmaster JinBodhi compassionately blessed hand-made sticky rice dumplings for all disciples and practitioners.

Rice Dumplings

On May 28 and 29, 2022, Vancouver Bodhi Meditation Center held Dragon Boat Festival celebration events, inviting everyone to eat and bring home blessed sticky rice dumplings for health and prosperity.

A Gift Of Auspiciousness

During the event, everyone was smiling and happy! Grandmaster JinBodhi and ShiMu came to the event site to gift everyone auspicious sticky rice dumplings and send good wishes.

Grandmaster JinBodhi Talk On Healthy Living

Grandmaster JinBodhi also shared practical tips to eat well with everyone. May everyone live healthily!

Meet Grandmaster JinBodhi

Grandmaster JinBodhi answered questions with humor and profound insight and engaged with everyone kindly. Laughter and applause resounded, and everyone was immersed in joy and happiness. What a relaxing atmosphere!

Everyone practiced Energy Bagua together outside during the event, both new and returning friends. Energy Bagua is a fast, highly effective way to replenish energy and live a long, healthy life (you can learn more about it here). Everyone is welcome to experience the benefits of Energy Bagua for yourself!

This year’s celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival was successful and auspicious, full of joy and laughter! I wish you all health, happiness, and good fortune!