by Carmen V.

In November 2015, I was fortunate to be able to participate in five days of the 8.5-Day Health and Happiness Retreat. Unable to miss work, I was welcome to come to as many days as I could manage. “Just come,” they said. I had no idea what I was getting into as I had not meditated before, but I just decided to trust the process. I was immersed in the Bodhi culture that week, one of immediate support, friendship, non-judgment, sincerity, love, and open-hearted compassion and kindness from strangers.

I witnessed many changes in the participants from beginning to end. We were all becoming happier, more free, open, and relaxed. People’s faces and eyes looked brighter, lighter, more at peace.

During the energy healings, we collectively as a group shed layers of deep-buried emotional and physical pain and suffering. While some people spoke of physical changes in their body, for me the effects were more emotional and mental (thus far). During meditation, I came into a higher awareness of myself and my value and wholeness. Less than a month after the retreat I let go of a relationship that had been causing me emotional grief and suffering. My awareness of the truth guided me to the realization that I was holding on to a fantasy future that did not exist. I am making decisions in my life that nurture me and serve my true needs, rather than compromising myself to please others.  I am learning to have more compassion for myself and others, learning to forgive myself for making choices that did not serve me, and seeing them as steps towards the beautiful future which I am manifesting.

My work life has improved in that I am clearer, more focused, and able to see through chaos and stress like a sharp knife in soft butter. I can see solutions very clearly and I am relating to people on a higher vibration. It seems as though I am serendipitously manifesting people and scenarios that are in tune with my path. When I meditate (even at home) there are times when my whole body shudders in the reception of this beautiful energy, light, power and wisdom. I feel so blessed to have received this gift. Even my dog will crawl onto my lap during meditation as he loves this beautiful feeling too. Thank you to Grandmaster JinBodhi for his gift and to all of the healers, teachers, brothers, and sisters for their guidance and friendship. As one of the volunteers says, “This is your home.”


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.