During the 8.5-Day Health & Happiness Retreat, tangible results can be received by practicing The Meditation of Greater Illumination. One student noticed that there was some sort of flow going down her neck and shoulders for quite a while, and then realized that a blockage was releasing. During the closing exercise, she thought that she might be able to tilt her head. She tested it and sure enough she had a range of motion.  Pain was what brought her to the Bodhi Meditation retreat, but there were two other things she received. One of them was learning to truly surrender. She was able to suspend the intellect and stay in a meditative state for a prolonged period of time, a process of surrender.  The other thing was to have a personal re-connection with the spiritual aspect of her culture. Many students experienced increased energy, rejuvenation of mind, spirit, and body. 

Here is Candice’s story:

Candice: Both my parents are gone. Most of the time they were great parents; I picked the right ones. Sometimes when things don’t go well it’s easy to look at all the things they didn’t do or say rather than all the things they did. My dad was a workaholic, but he did it to make his family’s life better. During the retreat, a light bulb came on and I feel so much gratitude for my parents.

Last night I received an email regarding a business situation. I phoned my business partner and was told I needed to sign documents right away. I told her it was unrealistic to get instructions late in the afternoon and do it right away. I told her I’d sleep on it.

In the morning, she called early and said, “You have to sign these papers or things are going to happen.”

Again, it seemed unrealistic.

When I was doing my meditation, I was so furious. This wasn’t fair. Okay, wait a minute. I stopped and said, “Master JinBodhi please help me. It’s not a huge deal. Help me calm down.”

In less than a minute I was calm. I’d never asked him for help before. Later that day, his teaching was on compassion. When things are doing well, it’s easy to have compassion, but when things get tough it’s easy to get wound up. My compassion was so low. I was sitting on the edge of my chair during that teaching because it was meant for me to hear this.

Compassion is such an easy simple thing, but when being pressured, I totally lost it, instead of saying, “It is what it is.” 

After all this, my business partner called today and said, “It’s okay, you can sign on Monday.” I will thank her for arranging that. Deep down I knew to let it go, even if it looked like a disaster, but I just couldn’t let it go last night. I got caught up in the drama.

If things were that simple and easy, Master JinBodhi wouldn’t be reminding us to be compassionate! Lesson received!


  • The effects associated with practicing Bodhi Meditation can vary from person to person.
  • Any and all content, views, opinions, and/or responses in this student sharing are solely the views, opinions and responsibility of the respondent and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of Bodhi Meditation.
  • Bodhi Meditation does not provide or replace any medical advice or treatment. We recommend everyone adhere to their medical treatment and prescription.