An Energy Feast: Shoulder Pain Gone!

An Energy Feast: Shoulder Pain Gone!

A sharing from Mida (Vancouver)

I was very fortunate to join the online energy healing today.

I was busy working when the session started and couldn’t settle down. Slowly, waves of energy embraced me and I started to feel the warmth. My left shoulder has been hurting for over a year. Today’s healing unblocked the energy channel. I could feel the energy flowing down my left arm. I felt comfortable and there was no pain at all. My body was completely relaxed. It’s wonderful to be pain-free! I’m very grateful!

Lately, I had brain fog. Now, I’m full of energy and the fuzziness has cleared. I’m refreshed and was able to finish work quickly! Thank you Grandmaster!

* The effect of meditation and energy healing may vary among individuals.

Online Energy Healing Sessions

Tuesdays & Fridays 11 am – 12 pm (by request).

Please sign-up for the Energy Healing sessions and carefully read the guidelines to ensure the best outcome of the session. Guidelines are located at the bottom of the Energy Healing Request Form.

* Requests received before Monday 12 pm will be included in Tuesday’s healing list.

Those received before Thursday 12 pm will be included in Friday’s healing list.